Building a new home in Greeley can be expensive, but if you avoid a few basic financial mistakes, it actually can be affordable. Knowing what to do and what to avoid is crucial to having a good financial outcome and also having the home you really want.

Building a New Home in Greeley

When you are building a new home in Greeley, you have a few key considerations: who will finance your home, what plan and features do you want, and where should you concentrate your focus and finances early on.

First, for financing, take the time to talk to more than one financial institution so you can get the best rates and terms for your needs. No one lender fits all buyers, so don’t trust that someone who was great for your work colleague will also be right for you. Do the homework.

The next consideration when building a new home in Greeley is the floor plan and features you want. Talk to friends or neighbors about what they like and dislike about their homes. Did they pick a floor plan that wasn’t efficient as they raised a family? Did they not foresee growing old in the home and build too many staircases in? Do they love having a water fountain on the patio for the kids in the summer? Build a portfolio of ideas about what you want for your particular lifestyle.

Finally, think about what you can’t change down the road. What is behind the walls is expensive or impossible to change. Get the electrical, smart-home, plumbing, and lighting set up so you don’t later wish you had added more outlets or put in a bigger air conditioner. If you have to compromise, do it on things you can remodel or replace in a few years, like carpet or paint or countertops.